We’re kicking around the idea of renting a tour bus and taking a crew of people down to New Braunfels in the middle of November for Wurstfest & visiting a couple New Braunfels breweries. If you have 2 minutes, do you mind filling out this brief survey for us so we can get some feedback before making the plunge on booking a tour bus?? Thanks much!
We’ll be out at the Texas Craft Brewers Festival this Saturday; swing on by & see us. Help support our state & the wonderful beer being made here by attending. Cheers!
In case you missed it last week, we DOUBLED our parking capacity this past week! See here for a map!
If you like the service and products you receive from us, we’d certainly appreciate your feedback on a review forum like Yelp, Beer Advocate and/or Rate Beer! We love our customers and we hope you love us back. If you’d like to send any direct feedback, email holler[at]whichcraftbeerstore.com.
Did you know we’re currently part of the Austin Habitat for Humanity House That Beer Built? We just got more of these sweet glasses in stock today you can buy for $6 each and ALL of the profit goes to help build the home for the Huerta family. Support a great cause and get a cool glass!
Upcoming Events, 6-8pm
Thursday, October 2nd
We’re welcoming into the store Brian Smith, the rep for Crispin, to taste some ciders from 6-8pm. We’ll be pouring free samples of The Saint, The Bohemian, Honey Crisp and a couple others. Cider is a great autumn weather beverage!
New Beers This Week
New Belgium Le Terrior – Le Terroir is a French term meaning ‘Of the Earth’ used to reference the environmental conditions that affect the brew. Wooden barrels age the sour beer in varying temperatures, humidity and vibrations. New Belgium adds in another variable by dry-hopping with peachy, mango-like Amarillo hops. 7.5% ABV/Fort Collins, CO/Ratebeer 100
BFM Abbaye De Saint Bon-Chien Grand Cru 2013* – We’ve got a few fantastic beers from BFM in stock, and we’re sure this one will be outstanding as well. It’s tough to find out exactly online what this version is, but we believe it’s a French champagne barrel aged grand cru coming in at 11%. Don’t miss it. 11% ABV/Switzerland/Beer Advocate 96 *Arriving Friday
Wild Beer Evolver IPA* – I love this description I found online so I’m just going to go with it: Hops + Brettanomyces + Hops. Enough said. 5.8% ABV/UK/Ratebeer 93 *Arriving Friday
Birra del Borgo Rubus Lamponi* – If you’ve been craving Jester King’s Atrial Rubicite recently but your cellar is empty, this is a great substitute. It’s tart with raspberries added for a great sweet/sour combo. A poor man’s Atrial is what we call it here at the shop. 5.8% ABV/Borgorose, Italy/Ratebeer 96 *Arriving Friday
New Belgium Salted Belgian Chocolate – This is a perfect dessert beer. Belgian yeast paired with a chocolate stout which is lightly salted to remind you of your favorite chocolate bar. Plus it’s a New Belgium collaboration with the highly rated Perennial Artisan Ales out of St Louis. 9% ABV/Fort Collins/No BA or Ratebeer rating yet
Uinta Oak Barrel Aged Jacked Pumpkin – Jacked is brewed with fresh pumpkin and fall spices and has been aging in Oak barrels for 6 months. The oak barrels add subtle nuances of toasted vanilla and bourbon notes. With an ABV of 10.31% (a play on the date of Halloween), Jacked is a big, unique pumpkin ale. 10.31%/Salt Lake City, UT/Ratebeer 98
Firestone Oaktoberfest – Oaktoberfest is a true German Marzen bier brewed with premium imported Pilsner and Vienna malts and is spiced with Bavarian hop from the mother land. Light Amber in color, soft malty profile, full bodied lager beer. Fermented with the famous Bavarian Augustiner Lager yeast from Munich. 4.6% ABV/Paso Robles, CA/Beer Advocate 84
Odell Mountain Standard Double Black IPA – Showcasing all Colorado hops, MST pours dark with a light brown head and a slightly roasted hoppy nose. A toasty bitterness, the result of combining roasted malts with an assertive American hop profile, contributes to MST’s act of balance and harmony within nature or your glass. 9.5% ABV/Fort Collins, CO/Ratebeer 99
Unibroue Raftman – If you like whiskey, you’ll love this seasonal from Unibroue in Canada. It uses all peat-smoked whiskey malt as its base and combines it with Unibroue’s house Belgian yeast to create an amber red in color and slightly smoky brew. 5.5% ABV/Chambly, Quebec/Beer Advocate 87
Texian Charlie Foxtrot* – A bomber of Berliner Weisse from Texian in Richmond, TX, this one is chewy with a nice lacto tartness. Easy drinking; a good warm weather beer. ??% ABV/Richmond, TX/Beer Advocate 86 *Arriving Friday
Prairie Pirate Bomb won’t be arriving until next Friday 10/3. The truck was delayed in Dallas so we won’t be getting them tomorrow.
Weekend Tastings, 6-8pm
Southern Tier 2x Rye
Firestone Walker Oaktoberfest
Ranger Creek Blackberry Sour
New Braunfels Shiva’s Tears Weizenbock
Guadalupe Chocolate Coffee Stout
Odell Mountain Standard Double Black IPA
Ayinger Oktoberfest
Community Witbier (gold medal winner!)